Opportunity Details
Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps (MRC): Volunteer Informational Session
The Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a group of more than 7,000 medical and non-medical volunteers who serve the City during public health emergencies and large-scale events. This unit is also apart of the national Medical Reserve Corps program. The Department of Public Health trains the Philadelphia MRC and coordinates its response in times of need. Volunteers may be deployed during major emergencies, such as natural disasters, as well as events like political rallies, concerts, and marathon races. All volunteers are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one training, exercise, or deployment per year. By volunteering for the Philadelphia MRC, you can contribute to a healthier, more resilient Philadelphia. To learn more about our unit and the work we do, please join us for the Volunteer Informational Session this King Day of Service. Email mrc@phila.gov with any questions.
Register here: https://pdph-phila-gov.zoom.
Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+
Give. Advocate. Volunteer.