Opportunity Details
Donate and/or Prepare 300 Care Packages for Homeless Veterans/Notes to Encourage
We request Volunteers to donate/collect, and/or prepare Care Packages for Homeless Veterans.The Activity will be coordinated by the Minority Nurse Educators of Chester County. The distribution of the Care Packages will be coordinated through the VAMC Office of Volunteer Services.
We welcome donations of Wash Cloths, Plastic Ponchos, Alcohol Free Mouthwash, Personal Hygiene Wipes (not baby wipes), Bottled Water, Packets of Hydration/Powdered Gatorade, or Power Aid - Individually Packaged, Ziplock Baggies to keep personal items dry (various sizes), Small Bars of Soap, Warm Socks - for men and women, Hand Warmers and Individually Packed Food/Snacks like Crackers (Peanut Butter or Cheese) and Cookies, Tuna Pouches, Granola Bars, Fruit Snacks, Sugar Free Gum or Life Savers.
We will place a handwritten note of encouragement in each Care Package. Volunteers are needed to write those notes. This activity is coordinated by Elder Montez O. Jones.
Age Minimum (with Adult): 5+, Minimum Age:5+
Give. Advocate. Volunteer.