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Opportunity Details

Haverford Library Beautification Day-Be a Part of the Beloved Community!

***Due to Incliment Weather-NEW HOURS ARE 12:00pm-2:00pm*** You are invited to join us in beautifying the Haverford Branch Library! Make this Library an inviting space for all. All are welcome to create a colorful and greener space for the Haddington community to learn, commune and build. Be a part of Martin Luther King's vision for the beloved community on MLK day 2025!

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Civic & Community
Families, Homeless, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual,Transgender), Low-income communities, Military/Veterans, Offenders/Ex-offenders, People with Disabilities, People with Health-based Concerns, Visitors & Travelers

Age Minimum (with Adult): 1+, Minimum Age:14+

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2101 S College Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19121
(215) 259-8374

Copyright © 2020 Global Citizen