Opportunity Details
Bridge Walk for Peace
Established in 2008, the Bridge Walk for Peace honors the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., which occurred on April 4, 1968 and is the longest running commemoration of its kind in the country. For the past 17 years, individuals from throughout the city have gathered at dawn (6:30 AM) to traverse across the Ben Franklin Bridge to reach the pinnacle at sunrise (7:00 AM) to offer a prayer for peace and healing.
Following the Walk (at approximately 8:00 AM), participants will disembark from the Bridge to convene at Old St. George’s United Methodist Church at the foot of the bridge (235 N. 4th Street) to discuss solutions for achieving peace in the community.
This is a sign-up for participating in the walk and discussion. The event is free and open to the public but participants are encouraged to register.
Age Minimum (with Adult): 10+, Minimum Age:18+
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