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Organization Profile

I educate Pa Voters about what's going on in our courts conducts, elections, and reforms. I also focus on prevention from entering the courts. Currently working on

"Social Justice Stops The Violence Data Mapping Initiative" 

STEAM Engineers in Partnership with The Center for Black Educators Development


Is working to end stigmas towards our mental health and fill gaps in our communities by exposing our communities to STEAM careers. When we know better we do better!! Exploring neuroscience with worksheets along with yarn and game development helps educate about brain health and meets our youth where they are with video gaming platforms. Our youth enter a positive, supportive environment and are encouraged to support each other with life skills learned in our exposure lessons. 


At STEAM Engineers we focus on building youth to youth mentoring.Our youth learn best from each other. STEAM Engineers introduce our youth to mental health with brain anatomy in five minutes, to prepare ourselves for learning how to become metaverse game developers using the ROBLOX platform. 


Building a healthy brain is one of the goals of STEAM Engineers. We will share brain anatomy in five minutes by building our own neurons and astrocytes using fiber arts, recycled plastic, pipe cleaners and rubber bands. Australian, Textile artist Pat Pillai’s idea to knit and weave brain cells is how i learned about building healthy brains by building neurons and astrocytes. Our youth, like most people, are often attracted to yarn and enjoy building and learning about their brains. Instant gratification produces happy juice. When youth feel good about themselves they are more likely to grasp the lessons being shared by other youth and adults.


Helping one another is another goal of STEAM Engineers. Creating a positive, supportive environment promotes teamwork makes the dream work. Helping our youth understand what toxic stress looks like starts by focusing on attitudes and triggers from day one. Our environment is always positive and open to hearing each other, to keep our environment positive. 


Exposing our youth to being safe online at all times is our first focus in bridging the digital divide in our communities. Metaverse game development using the ROBLOX platform puts 3D development on our youth life skills tool belt. We will also build our own gaming avatars to look more like us, using the Blender platform.


Our youth want to learn video game development, please help me show them how!! https://youtu.be/iclHRJC1HV4

philadelphia, PA, 19141


2101 S College Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19121
(215) 259-8374

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